Loyola Law School
Jessica Williams
Jessica Williams always had a balance of an active outside life and productive alone time. From a young age, she played several sports, including: baseball, basketball, cheerleading, dance, gymnastics, soccer, and track. Although she liked she get rough and dirty when she played, Jessica also liked to sit down and write whenever an idea popped into her head. Even at school, Jessica’s writing skills were well-known. From around the second grade, she had been writing short stories that centered around her friends at school. At home, when she played with dolls with her best friend, she created many dramatic storylines that touched on romance, comedy, mystery, and even horror.
In the fifth grade, she had a journal that she updated with all her classmates’ interesting quirks and dramas. She continued to write yearly journals into middle school and all the way through her undergraduate career at UCLA. As she begins her 1L year at Loyola Law School, she continues to journal because she dreams of one day showing them to her kids so they can better understand her younger days. In addition to journaling, Jessica realizes that she must publish her books. Besides bringing satisfaction to herself and reaching her goals, she dreams her stories will serve the purpose of teaching others the lessons she learned over the years in an interesting and entertaining way. Today, she has two published books on Amazon titled What You Wish They Would’ve Told You and What Lies Outside.
Now in law school, Jessica aims to work in the criminal justice field and specialize in the representation of juveniles in LA. She sees a dire need for adult intervention in the youth of today, and she prides herself on the idea that every child deserves a chance to start a new path and build their character. In the future, she imagines herself advocating for youth offenders in the courtroom and collaborating with organizations that can provide financial and material resources to underserved families.
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